Japanese roses are known for their elegance, intricate petals, and strong fragrance. They’re the perfect addition to any rose garden, each bringing its own unique beauty. Here are 10 of my favorite Japanese roses that never fail to impress me:
1.     Masora
2.     Pink Flow
3.     Confiture
4.     Mon Coeur
5.     Sheherazad
6.     Milky pearl
7.     Charity towa
8.     Doniazade
9.     Autumn Rogue
10. Libellula
Pink Flow
Mon Coeur
Milky Pearl
Charity Towa
Autumn Rouge
I' d love to hear about your experience with these beautiful Japanese roses! If you’ve grown any of these varieties, share your photos, growing zone, and any tips or challenges you've faced. Your insights help fellow rose enthusiasts learn from each other and create a supportive community. Feel free to drop your comments below – let’s talk roses and gardening! 🌹